Friday, December 6, 2013

Search for Truth, #2

II Timothy 4:3, 4
For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to right teaching.  They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever they want to hear.  They will reject the truth and follow strange myths.

     In a search for truth, we have to be careful to get our preconceived notions and our own desires out of the way.  The things that we hope are true can become a distorting filter through which we see truth.
     God has offered us truth.  He recorded it in the Bible and displayed it in the life of Jesus.  There are millions of lies that can appear attractive and even valid, but adhering to God's truth will always set our course in the right direction.

     We will always be able to find tutors to suit our inclinations.  From the beginning there have been false prophets who offer doctrines and philosophies more appealing than the teachings of God.
     It takes great personal honesty and a search without filters to find the way of God.  It is not our intellects that stand in our way.  It is our hearts' desires.

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