Friday, May 31, 2013

Exquisite Mystery

Father, you are the richness and texture of my life.
You are what makes sense of chaos,
and peace with the unexplainable,
and illogical--as we reason logic:
tidy columns of matching debits and credits,
predictable and controllable and "fair"
and completely lacking in adventure, risk or faith.

You banish tedium
and lift me into high intrique
where every circumstance has meaning--
deciphrable or not, and sometimes, better not!
Too wonderful for me;
Known to you alone,
vast, complex, perfect.

You are both my peace and my exhileration!
You are the source of my brokennes and my wholeness.
You make me complete in Christ,
who is my righteousness
for I have none of my own.
Your perfection fills, covers and hides me.
Exquisite mystery!

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