Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Swift Transition

Next month I travel to California to attend the 50th class reunion of my high school.  I've never attended any of my other class reunions.  This is a first for me after all these years.  I'm so excited!  I haven't seen most of these people in just that--50years!  They still hold a special place in my heart because we shared so many firsts in those high-emotion years of adolescence: first walk on the big campus , first team sport, first science fair, first choral competition, first driver's license, first date, first kiss, first broken heart....  Now, for many of us we will be sharing some of our last experiences.  This will be the last time many of us see eachother, the last time we fill in the blanks of the stories we lived apart from one another these past 50years.  Some of those people influenced my life in ways that still remain.  I wonder if we can do or say something of lasting impact in the very brief and activity-filled time we'll share on that anniversary weekend?  It reminds me of the words of an old hymn.
"Time is filled with swift transition.
Naught of earth unmoved can stand.
Build your hopes on things eternal.
Hold to God's unchanging hand."
The transition has, indeed, been swift.  I can't believe it's been 50 years!  I'll be looking for opportunities to share how grateful I am for the way God has held my hand and the hope that I have that he'll never let go....never.

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