Tuesday, January 29, 2013


          I collect heroes.  I highly recommend it for anyone blessed enough to be surrounded by people they admire.  God has blessed me with that in such abundance that I spend a lot of time just dazzled by the wonderful people whose examples make my heart soar. 
          Ron and I were in Atlanta this past weekend staying in the home of Mark and Lin Ottenweiller.  Mark flew in from Haiti the same day we did where he led a team of 5 other doctors and 1 dentist up into the dry hill country to set up a temporary medical outpost.  In 3 days they served 570 people.  He had slept on the ground while there.  Mark was happily exhausted.  The word that seems to be most prevanent on Mark's vocabulary is "hilarious." He'll tell a story of some outrageous sacrifice he made (not that he sees it as a sacrifice), or some place where he risked his life and say, "It was hilarious!" Mark find the joy in every moment of the day--even when he's weeping.
          Lin was our chef, chauffer and administrator of our schedule while we were there.  She worked in these tasks amid her own heavy schedule of responsibilities.  She's the queen of cheerful hospitality--and faith, and zeal and insight and joy and compassion and....
        What makes a person a hero in your eyes?  For me, it is the fruits of the Spirit evidenced in a life of exuberant zeal and quiet faith.  Got any heroes?  Make a list.  Keep them in your prayers.  It may be the Ottenweillers or it may be the afflicted, quiet widow who makes it to church every Sunday in spite of pain and hardship.  Let these shining examples of faith be a joy to your heart.  Seriously, make a list!

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Against such there is no law.
Galatians 5:22, 23


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